Meeting Announcement

When: Wednesday, April 10,2024

Where: La Navona, 154 North Hamilton, Gahanna, Ohio. AND via this YouTube Link:

Time: 7pm

Speaker: Harry Smeltzer, the host of Bull Runnings

Topic: The U. S. Marine Corps at First Bull Run. 

You may know that a battalion of U. S. Marines accompanied Irvin McDowell’s army at the First Battle of Bull Run. What’s less known is who they were and what they did there. Harry will discuss that event, as well as the antebellum makeup and role of the Corps and follow in the footsteps of this band of 350 “regular” marines on the Plains of Manassas, much of it described in their own words.

Harry Smeltzer is the host of Bull Runnings, a website dedicated to the digitization of primary resources and original content related to the First Battle of Bull Run.  He lives just outside Pittsburgh, and was born and raised in Southwestern PA.  He has earned degrees at The Pennsylvania State University and the Katz School of the University of Pittsburgh.  He’s also been published in print media including in the journal Civil War History, The Civil War Monitor, Civil War Times, and America’s Civil War.  He is a Digital History Advisor for The Civil War Monitor. He sits on the board of directors of the Save Historic Antietam Foundation.  He has presented programs on digital history and Bull Run related topics to organizations in eight states and the District of Columbia and organizes and leads tours of the battlefield of First Bull Run. Groups with which he’s worked include Civil War round tables, libraries, historical societies, universities, and the United States Marine Corps. He’s been hosting Bull Runnings since November 2006.

Harry Smeltzer

From our President Jamie Ryan:

We have started a new Roundtable year, so you need to pay dues. The Roundtable is a “Not for Profit” organization so donations are accepted and greatly appreciated.

Dues are:

individual membership     $35.00

family membership          $40.00 

Student membership        $20.00

 I have a copy of an email that I received from the Richmond Battlefields Association.  This is NOT a request for money; please see the email and street addresses for the Henric County (Virginia) Planning Commission and send them a message that the land should not be rezoned unless the developer agrees to sell or donate the 100 acre tract described in the message. Save Savage’s Station.

Tom Ayres has provided a report on our March program from Codie Esch on Aaron Jerome of the Signal Corps. Aaron Brainard Jerome